
GRI Content Index

The General Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards create a common language for organisations – large or small, private or public – to report on their sustainability impacts in a consistent and credible way. By reporting in reference to the GRI standards for 2021, we strive to enhance global comparability and increase the transparency and accountability of our organisation. Within this Sustainability Report, we refer to the following standards:

Reported in 2021GRI DisclosuresDisclosure titleLocationAdditional information / Reasons for omission
Reported in 2021GRI DisclosuresDisclosure titleLocationAdditional information / Reasons for omission
GRI 2 General Disclosures 2021
2-1Organisational detailsAbout SamskipSamskip BV
Headquartered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Operates throughout Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Faroe Islands, England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, Latvia (extra for Logistics: China, Korea, USA, Australia) - and accompanied with statement, Russia.
2-2Entities included in the organisation's sustainability reportingAbout SamskipSamskip BV including Samskip Multimodal and Samskip HF
2-3Reporting period, frequency and contact pointAbout the ReportOur sustainability reporting is in line with our financial reporting year.
For any information about this report, please contact Pedro Vasconcellos, Head of Sustainability at
2-4Restatements of informationThere are no restatements of information in this report
2-5External assuranceSeeking external assurance on sustainability topics falls under the responsibility of the Head of Sustainability, who is not a part of the executive or supervisory board.
Due to the size of the business, Samskip has not assured this sustainability report.
2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsAbout SamskipSamskip is active in the European multimodal logistics and global freight forwarding.
The services provided include logistics services, warehousing and freight forwarding in Europe, UK, Scandinavia and Iceland.
2-7EmployeesPeople at Samskip - Our Commitment to Diversity and InclusionData provided for the total number of employees, and a breakdown of this total by gender and by region.
For additional disclosures, information is unavailable or incomplete.
2-8Workers who are not employeesInformation is unavailable or incomplete.
2-9Governance structure and compositionAbout Samskip – Our BusinessMembers of the Supervisory Board:
Ólafur Ólafsson, Chairman
Hjörleifur Jakobsson, Vice-Chairman
Karin Govaert – Joined the Supervisory Board in March 2022
Vesna Nevistic – Left the Supervisory Board in March 2022

Members of the Management Board:
Kari-Pekka Laaksonen, CEO
Eric B. Williams, CCO
Kristinn Albertsson, CFO
Myrthe Geenen, CHRO (left the company over the course of 2022)
Frederica Leca, COO
Ragnar Thor Ragnarsson, CIO
2-10Nomination and selection of the highest governance bodyDue to confidentiality constraints indicated by internal parties, we chose to omit this disclosure
2-11Chair of the highest governance bdoyAbout Samskip – Our Business
2-12Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impactsAbout Samskip – Our Business
2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsAbout Samskip – Our Business
2-14Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingAbout Samskip – Our Business
2-15Conflicts of interestOur Project Portfolio Board acts as an extra set of eyes and manages scope and priority of the major ongoing projects. The PPB also determines where the company focuses on and spends resources on. It takes some of the individual power away from the management board, thereby reducing the risk of conflict of interest.
Additional sub-disclosures are therefore omitted due to not being applicable.
Reported in 2021GRI DisclosuresDisclosure titleLocationAdditional information / Reasons for omission
GRI 2 General Disclosures 2021
2-16Communication of critical concernsOur Ethical Responsibility - Whistleblowing ProcedureWe have a whistleblower procedure in place for employees to anonymously send in concerns or wrongdoings. If needed and appropriate, these will be reviewed by the Management Board. There were no critical concerns reported to the management board in 2022.
2-17Collective knowledge of the highest governance bodyAbout Samskip – Our BusinessThe management board has strenghened the presence of sustainability-related knowledge and experience within the organization by creating a sustainability team, with a new Head of Sustainability as most recent hire. This team informs the Management Board on the most relevant topics surrounding ESG.
2-18Evaluation of the perforamnce of the highest governance bodyOn certain operational executive positions we are monitoring ESG performance, and incentivising improvement of ESG. We cannot disclose additional information on the grounds of confidentiality.
2-19Remuneration policiesWhile these are policies we do have in place and we do have an overview on these processes, due to confidentiality constraints indicated by internal parties, we chose to omit this disclosure to protect the wishes of internal parties in question.
2-20Process to determine remunerationWhile these are policies we do have in place and we do have an overview on these processes, due to confidentiality constraints indicated by internal parties, we chose to omit this disclosure to protect the wishes of internal parties in question.
2-21Annual total compensation ratioWhile these are policies we do have in place and we do have an overview on these processes, due to confidentiality constraints indicated by internal parties, we chose to omit this disclosure to protect the wishes of internal parties in question.
2-22Statement on sustainable development strategyUnlocking Synergies: A Conversation Between Our CIO and Head of Sustainability
2-23Policy CommitmentsOur People
Our Responsible Business
Samskip has a labour and human rights policy in place, encompassing the commitments, targets and matters highlighted in the referenced location. This policy applies to all employees including seasonal workers, interns, subcontractors, and any other person who is representing Samskip in a business relationship. Our labour and human rights policy was signed off by our Chief Human Resources officer, who is part of the c-level.
Policy commitments are not publicly available due to being stored on Samskip intranet which is not accessible to those outside of our operations. Though direct contact, employees have received the policy via email. The policy is also available on the intranet page.
2-24Embedding policy committmentsOur People
Our Responsible Business
All employees have access to the the Corporate Employee Handbook and all suppliers have access to our Supplier Code of Conduct. Additionally, employees have access to the Samskip Academy, where we offer training modules on responsible business conduct.
2-25Processes to remediate negative impactsOur People
Our Responsible Business
Whistleblower policy, providing a way for all employees and subcontractors to anonymously speak up on any wrongdoings and/or seek advice on implementing the organisation's policies and practices.
2-26Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsOur People
Our Responsible Business
Whistleblower policy, providing a way for all employees and subcontractors to anonymously speak up on any wrongdoings and/or seek advice on implementing the organisation's policies and practices.
2-27Compliance with laws and regulationsSub-disclosures are omitted due to not being applicable.
2-28Membership associationsAbout Samskip – Our Business
2-29Approach to stakeholder engagementMateriality Assessment & ResultsSamskip engages in stakeholder dialogue, through planned interviews with various stakeholder groups for materiality assessments.
The management team analyses the feedback received from stakeholders to identify common themes, concerns, and suggestions. This can help to inform decision-making processes and identify areas where changes may be needed. The management team takes stakeholder perspectives into account for decision-making. This is done by considering the impact of decisions on stakeholders and taking their views into account when making decisions.
2-30Collective bargaining agreementsSamskip follows all local laws and regulations therefore all employees fall under collective agreements.
Reported in 2021GRI DisclosuresDisclosure titleLocationAdditional information / Reasons for omission
GRI 3 Material Topics 2021
3-1Process to determine material topicsMateriality Assessment & Results
3-2List of material topicsMateriality Assessment & Results
3-3Management of material topics2022 was the first year Samskip conducted a full double materiality assessment. The management of each material topic is therefore a planned action for next year and is ommited for this reporting year on the grounds of the information being unavalable and incomplete.
GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016
204-1Proportion of spending on local suppliersOur procurement is mostly trucking services. This disclosure is therefore omitted on the grounds of not being applicable to Samskip operations.
GRI 302: Energy 2016
GRI 302-1Energy consumption within the organization
GRI 302-2Energy consumption outside of the organization
GRI 302-3Energy intensity
GRI 302-4Reduction of energy consumption
GRI 302-5Reductions in energy requirements of products and services
GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018
GRI 303-1Interactions with water as a shared resourceWe strive to measure water use in our offices. However, due to the renting structures, this data is often not available.
Aside from drinking water consumption in our facilities, our vessels use water to fill their ballast tanks, used to balance the vessels. These vessels will discharge this water again when needed to rebalance. This is why it is important to have filters installed, making sure we do not bring any external organisms in places where they do not belong.
GRI 303-2Management of water discharge-related impactsN/A as we use minimal amounts of water in our offices and facilities.
GRI 303-3Water withdrawalN/A as we use minimal amounts of water in our offices and facilities.
GRI 303-4Water dischargeN/A as we use minimal amounts of water in our offices and facilities.
GRI 303-2Management of water discharge-related impactsN/A as we use minimal amounts of water in our offices and facilities.
GRI 303-3Water withdrawalN/A as we use minimal amounts of water in our offices and facilities.
GRI 303-4Water dischargeN/A as we use minimal amounts of water in our offices and facilities.
GRI 303-5Water consumption
Reported in 2021GRI DisclosuresDisclosure titleLocationAdditional information / Reasons for omission
GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016
304-1Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas
304-2Significant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversity
304-3Habitats protected or restored
304-4IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations
GRI 305: Emissions 2016
305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsOur Planet – Measuring Samskip's Emissions
305-2Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissionsOur Planet – Measuring Samskip's Emissions
305-3Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissionsOur Planet – Our Suppliers
305-4GHG emissions intensitySustainability at Samskip – Our Sustainability StrategyOne of our strategic goals is to become the lowest carbon emitter, per tonne-km of transported cargo, within our direct competition by 2025.
305-5Reduction of GHG emissionsOur Planet – Measuring Samskip's Emissions
305-6Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)
305-7Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions
GRI 306: Waste 2020
306-1Waste generation and significant waste-related impactsOur Planet – CircularityWe are currently reporting on three categories of waste: sorted; unsorted; undetermined. In the future, we will track the amount of hazardous and non-hazardous waste and offer a breakdown by treatment type.
306-2Management of significant waste-related impactsOur Planet – CircularityOur waste management system allows us to identify opportunities and implement measures of reduction, recycling and adequate treatment.
306-3Waste generatedOur Planet – Circularity
306-4Waste diverted from disposalOur Planet – Circularity
306-5Waste directed to disposalOur Planet – Circularity
GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016
308-1New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria
308-2Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
Reported in 2021GRI DisclosuresDisclosure titleLocationAdditional information / Reasons for omission
GRI 401: Employment 2016
401-1New employee hires and employee turnoverTotal hires: 211

For Iceland:
Hiring 90. 74 men and 16 women. Age 18-35 = 50 men 6 women. Age 36-50 = 19 men and 9 women. Age 51-67 = 2 man and 1 woman.

Total terminations: 180

For Iceland:
22,8%, age 18-35 = 51, age 36-50 = 27, age 51-67 = 15.
Total 81 men 12 women
401-2Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employeesSamskip follows all rules and regulations of our locations of operations, meaning the countries in which we are active and have operational offices in. We therefore supply health insurace, disability and invalidity coverage, parental leave, and retirement provision. Moreover, Samskip offers a discount on health insurance in the Netherlands.
401-3Parental leave"100% of our employees are entitled to parental leave.
The total number of employees that took parental leave for our Iceland operations is 15 in total, 2 women and 13 men.
Additional sub-disclosures are omitted on the grounds that the information is unavailable or incomplete.
GRI 402: Labor/Management Relations 2016
402-1402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changesThis differs per country and type of contract. However, the absolute minimum possible in Iceland is 12 days. In the Netherlands, it is 1 month.
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2018
403-1Occupational health and safety management systemPeople at Samskip – Operational Health & Safety
403-2Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation
403-3Occupational health services
403-4Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety
403-5Worker training on occupational health and safetyPeople at Samskip – Operational Health & SafetyAll Samskip employees have access to health and safety training modules on our online Samskip Acedemy. Employees in operational roles (vessels, terminals, trucks) will receive specialized trainings regarding heath and safety in their functions.
403-6Promotion of worker healthInformation is unavailable or incomplete.
403-7Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationshipsPeople at Samskip – Operational Health & Safety
403-8Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management systemOur health & safety management system includes procedures, risk assessments and training. 100% of our employees are covered by these systems.
403-9Work-related injuriesPeople at Samskip – Operational Health & Safety
403-10Work-related ill healthInformation is unavailable or incomplete.
GRI 404: Training and Education 2016
404-1Average hours of training per year per employeeAverage hours of training by gender
Women: 83
Men: 328
Total: 411
404-2Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programsPeople at Samskip – Continued Learning: Our Fuel for Success
404-3Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviewsPeople at Samskip – Continued Learning: Our Fuel for Success
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016
405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employeesNetherlands:
<30: 44% Female 56% Male

i. Total: 336 80% men 20% women ii. 30< 30-50 51> iii. Nationality 25
405-2Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to menIceland: The ratio is -2,2% i.e. in favor to women
GRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016
406-1Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions takenAnti-Discrimination and Harassment
GRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016
407-1Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk
GRI 408: Child Labour 2016
408-1Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child laborInformation is unavailable or incomplete.
GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labour 2016
409-1Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labourInformation is unavailable or incomplete.
GRI 413: Local Communities 2016
413-1Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programsInformation is unavailable or incomplete.
413-2Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communitiesInformation is unavailable or incomplete.
GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016
414-1New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaOur Planet – Our SuppliersIn 2022, we sent the questionnaire to our top 25 suppliers (accounting 50% of our direct operating spend)
414-2Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken
Reported in 2021GRI DisclosuresDisclosure titleLocationAdditional information / Reasons for omission
GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016
205-1Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionOur Ethical Responsibility - Trained and ready to go
205-2Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresOur Anti-Corruption policies and procedures are communicated to 100% of our employees, including the governance body and 25 people were trained on Business Ethics through out Samskip academy. As these are found in the Samskip intranet, 0% of our policies were shared with external parties in 2022.
205-3Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions takenOur Ethical Responsibility - Trained and ready to go
GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016
206-1Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practicesDue to confidentiality constraints, we will not be reporting on any ongoing legal actions before they are finalized.


We offer multi-modal transport services for which the following relatively uniform Transport Operation Categories (TOC) were identified: 

  • Short-sea container transport;
  • Rail line haul of containers;
  • Road transport of containers;
  • Inland barge transportation of containers.
Total CO₂-e emissions and carbon efficiency per transport operation category (TOC) for 2020 to 2021
Transport Operations Category202020212022
Total CO₂-e (k.ton)kg CO₂-e/ton-km GCDTotal CO₂-e (k.ton)kg CO₂-e/ton-km GCDTotal CO₂-e (k.ton)kg CO₂-e/ton-km GCD
Short-sea container transport135.20.0239126.30.0202103.20.0184
Rail line haul of containers4710.023040.90.022941.00.0231
Road transport of containers114.00.0991118.00.0975112.50.0964
Inland barge transportation of containers4.30.03293.50.03294.50.0305
% Reduction (vs. 2020)7.8%10.4%
% Reduction (vs. LY)2.8%
Modality Reduction (vs. 2020)
Emission factors and sources that were used in case fuel use data available
Transport Operations CategoryFuel typeUnitValueSource
Short-seaHFOgCO₂-e/g fuel (WTW)3.915March 2021 ICCT report shared by fuel supplier, Table 4 (C0₂-e100)
Short-seaMGOgCO₂-e/g fuel (WTW)4.043
Short-seaMGOkg/L (density)0.837Draft ISO 14083, Table I2, North American GHG Emission Factors
Short-seaMDOgCO₂-e/g fuel (WTW)3.93
Short-seaIFO180gCO₂-e/g fuel (WTW)3.915Same value as HFO
Short-seaIFO380gCO₂-e/g fuel (WTW)3.915
Short-seaRMD380gCO₂-e/g fuel (WTW)3.93Same value as MDO
Short-seaMR1-100gCO₂/g fuel (WTW)0.575Information provided by GoodFuels
Short-seaMDF1-100gCO₂-e/g fuel (WTW)0.518Information provided by GoodFuels
Short-seaMR1-50gCO₂/g fuel (WTW)2.28150% MGO, 50% MR1-100
Short-seaMDF1-50gCO₂-e/g fuel (WTW)2.30950% MGO, 50% MDF1-100
RoadDieselkgCO₂-e/kg fuel (WTW)3.78¹Draft ISO 14083, Table A1, European GHG Emission Factors
RoadDieselkg/L (density)0.832
1 Please note that the emission factor for road does not take into account a factor for biodiesel blending
Default emission factors and sources that were used in case of missing fuel data
Transport Operations CategoryUnitValueSource
RailkgCO₂-e/ton-km (WTW)0.017GLEC Framework v0.2, Table 38
RoadkgCO₂-e/ton-km (WTW)0.075GLEC Framework v0.2, Table 42
BargekgCO₂-e/ton-km (WTW)0.0.026GLEC Framework v0.2, Table 36
Short-seakgCO₂-e/TEU-km (WTW)0.160GLEC Framework v0.2, Table 46, Intra North Europe

Over the course of 2022, Samskip updated its carbon calculation methodology to be in line with the latest industry standards. Our new methodology uses the GLEC emission standards for all transport data. Last year, we used a mix of fuel data where available, and GLEC-based emission factors where necessary. We believe that reporting in accordance to industry standards is essential for a generalized approach towards carbon footprinting, and eventually to carbon reduction. Our new approach has resulted in a change of baseline (2020) emissions, and the emissions reported in last year’s sustainability report (2021).


In case of any further questions on the underlying assumptions of our carbon footprinting process, or any other information provided in this report, please reach out to the Sustainability Team at


CO2Carbon dioxide
CSMSCompany Safety Management System
CSRCorporate Social Responsibility
ESGEnvironment, Social, Governance
ESRSEuropean Sustainability Reporting Standards
GDPRGeneral Data Protection Regulation
GESGood Environment Status
GHGsGreen House Gases
GLECGlobal Logistics Emission Council
GRIGlobal Reporting Initiative
HFOHeavy fuel oil
ILODInternational Labour Organisation's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights on Work
ISCCInternational Sustainability & Carbon Certification
ISMSInternational Security Management System
ISOInternational Organisation for Standardisation
KVNRRoyal Association of Dutch Shipowners
LNGLiquified Natural Gas
MDOMarine diesel oil
MGOMarine gas oil
NOxNitrogen oxides
OECDOrganisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
PPEPersonal protective equipment
SBTiScience Based Targets initiative
SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
SOxSulphur oxides
TEUTwenty-foot equivalent unit
TNONetherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
UIRRInternational Union for Rail Transport
WEEEWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Our Responsible Business
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